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Slipknot patří na Facebooku mezi 20 nejsledovanějších hudebních kapel vůbec? Až za nimi jsou jména jako KoRn či U2.

2007-08-24 09:09 Corey(8)
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The Pulse of Radio (formerly Launch Radio Networks) reports: STONE SOUR has released a concert "album" online at the iTunes store. The digital recording, titled "Live in Moscow", is actually the complete audio track from a DVD filmed at the band's first-ever performance in the Russian capital last fall. The DVD was included as part of the June "special edition" re-release of the band's second album, "Come What(ever) May".

STONE SOUR singer Corey Taylor told The Pulse of Radio that the band did not get to visit much of Russia while it was there, although he did manage to see some historic sites in Moscow itself. "What was really cool is the hotel that we stayed at was right across the street from the Kremlin, and Red Square, St. Peter's Basilica," he said. "I mean, it was amazing, man. And I'm not a big touristy guy, but I had to get out and I had to see it. I mean, it's one of those cities, like New York, like London, where you can feel the history in the air, and that to me is huge."

STONE SOUR is currently on its own headlining U.S. tour, which stops on Tuesday night (August 21) in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire and winds down in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on September 2.

"Come What(ever) May" has sold 609,000 copies since arriving last August.

Taylor and STONE SOUR guitarist Jim Root will reunite with their other band, SLIPKNOT, in October to begin writing the group's next album.
Sekce, novinky, soutěže, foto, multimedia, affiliates: Corey(8)     |     Design, html, css, php & mysql, server, sponzor: Venom
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