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Slipknot patří na Facebooku mezi 20 nejsledovanějších hudebních kapel vůbec? Až za nimi jsou jména jako KoRn či U2.

2009-01-19 10:33 Corey(8)
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Dirty Rock Magazine recently conducted an interview with Wednesday 13 (MURDERDOLLS, FRANKENSTEIN DRAG QUEENS FROM PLANET 13, BOURBON CROW). Here's an excerpt from the interview.

Dirty Rock Magazine: Back when Acey Slade joined you on tour during that time you were injured, did you guys talk about MURDERDOLLS and is that something you'd like to revisit someday?

Wednesday 13: I've always talked about it and I keep in touch with some of the guys. But at that time when Acey came back to the band for a bit, neither one of us had talked to Joey (Jordison; SLIPKNOT drummer and MURDERDOLLS guitarist) for quite some time. It was always kind of, well, we'll see what happens one day. I've been in touch with Joey more in the past few months than I have been in the past few years and I'm just kind of waiting to see what happens with SLIPKNOT when it's done. I told Joey that if he's into doing another MURDERDOLLS album, I'm 100 percent for doing it. So hopefully if he gets the free time when SLIPKNOT is done touring for the latest album, maybe if it's a possibility of doing that and I would love to do that.
2009-01-14 21:36 Corey(8)
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As Slipknot prepares to hit the road for tours celebrating the 10th anniversary of the masked Iowa group's first album, frontman Corey Taylor is making plans to record his first solo album rather than go back to his other band, Stone Sour, at the end of the cycle.

"I know I have this album that I need to make," Taylor tells Billboard.com, "and I'm the kind of guy that if I can't get that done then it's going to hold me back from all this other stuff I want to do. I just know I've got to make it or I can't branch out."

He adds that there are "a lot of songs I've written that don't fit with either band, really" and describes the material as "kind of a cross between the Foo Fighters and Social D, with some Johnny Cash mixed in." Country will be part of the mix -- "Obviously there's a country background that comes built-in with living in Iowa," Taylor notes -- but he also promises that "there's a lot of upbeat, just flat-out hard rock tunes."

"I've never let myself get painted into a corner," Taylor explains. "I've refused to accept the fact that I can't make any kind of music I want. I think it took people a minute to understand that, but now I'm at a point where I can do anything and people will take it seriously."

But until September, when Slipknot is scheduled to finish touring, Taylor says he's seriously committed to the group, which is continuing to tour in support of its fourth album, last year's "All Hope Is Gone."

The nine-piece group plans to tour the U.S., Canada and the European festival circuit with a show Taylor says is "getting away from the pyro and way more visual, video-oriented this time."

And, he acknowledges, it feels good to have a 10-year anniversary to mark. "It's funny because I've seen so many next-bit-things come and go in the last 10 years, and I look around and go, 'Wow, we're still here.' Ever time we've put an album out people would write us off, but ... we just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger," he says.

"It not only proves so many people were wrong but that we were right," he continues. "My dream wasn't just to make it but it was to stay here and be able to do whatever we want to do, which is just how it's worked out."
2009-01-14 21:34 Corey(8)
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Members of DRAGONFORCE, SHADOWS FALL and SLIPKNOT will be signing autographs at the Ibanez Guitars booth at this year's NAMM (National Association Of Music Merchants) show, which is being held January 15-18 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.

The Ibanez Guitars schedule is as follows (all appearances and times are subject to change):

Friday, January 16:

11:00 a.m.

Muhammed Suicmez (NECROPHAGIST)
Matt Bachand (SHADOWS FALL)
Chris Broderick (MEGADETH)

1:00 p.m.

Steve Vai

2:30 p.m.

Omar Rodriguez-Lopez (THE MARS VOLTA)
Pablo Hinojos-Gonzalez (THE MARS VOLTA)

3:30 p.m.

Paul Gilbert (MR. BIG, RACER X)
Andy Timmons

4:30 p.m.

Peter Iwers (IN FLAMES)
Paul Romanko (SHADOWS FALL)
Fieldy (KORN)

Saturday, January 17:

12:00 p.m.


2:00 p.m.

Mick Thomson (SLIPKNOT)

3:00 p.m.

Joe Satriani

Important: The NAMM show is **NOT** open to the public. The only attendees are NAMM member companies and their invited guests.
2008-12-20 11:42 Corey(8)
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Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor has slammed Coldplay – accusing them of making "music to wipe your ass to".

Taylor made the remark when asked to comment on Coldplay's latest album 'Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends'.

"That is one of the most self-celebratory pieces of **** I’ve ever ******* heard in my entire ******* life,” Taylor said on MTV2's review of the year."

"Go suck a ******* ****. Are you watching Martin? Suck it. Go eat a bag of ****. I ******* hate that album. It’s music to wipe your ass to."

2008-12-19 20:51 Corey(8)
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Hey, hey, hey folks! I've got for you some exclusive stuff from SlipKnoT gig at Hammersmith Apollo! Check it out below (be sure to click on "watch in high quality"):


Dead Memories:


Other videos - People=Shit, Before I Forget, The Blister Exists, Surfacing, Intro

thx to MiSo!
2008-12-19 20:13 Corey(8)
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Corey Taylor is on the cover of the latest Kerrang! Magazine. Check it out below:

2008-12-19 20:11 Corey(8)
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In this week's issue of U.K.'s Kerrang! magazine, SLIPKNOT frontman Corey Taylor reveals that the band has been approached to headline next year's Download festival. He says: "We've had an offer from Download but we've also got a few other options open to us at the moment. A couple of the guys in the band really want to come back and do Reading and Leeds. Obviously we had to cancel this year and it's been such a long time since we last played there, so that's definitely an option we're considering."

SLIPKNOT was forced to cancel several European festival appearances — including Reading and Leeds — as well as performances for MTV Europe and Virgin TV this past summer after drummer Joey Jordison broke his ankle and was advised to rest for four to six weeks.

In other news, SLIPKNOT's latest CD, "All Hope Is Gone", was voted "Best Album" and "Worst Album" of 2008 in the Kerrang! Readers' Poll 2008. The band was named in the following categories:

Best Album - "All Hope Is Gone" (1st place)
Worst Album - "All Hope Is Gone" (1st place)
Best Track – "Psychosocial" (1st place)
Best Video - "Dead Memories" (2nd place)
Best Video - "Psychosocial" (3rd place)
Best Band - SLIPKNOT (2nd place)
Best Live Band - SLIPKNOT (2nd place)
Hero Of The Year - Corey Taylor (4th place)
Villain Of The Year - Corey Taylor (2nd place)
Worst Thing About 2008 - SLIPKNOT cancelling Reading/Leeds Festivals (4th place)

2008-12-19 20:06 Corey(8)
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A seven-minute interview with SLIPKNOT frontman Corey Taylor conducted backstage on November 7, 2008 at Jäähalli in Helsinki, Finland can be viewed below.

SLIPKNOT has garnered another Grammy nomination — this time for "Psychosocial", the first single from the band's latest album "All Hope Is Gone", released in August 2008. The song is nominated for "Best Metal Performance".

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