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Slipknot patří na Facebooku mezi 20 nejsledovanějších hudebních kapel vůbec? Až za nimi jsou jména jako KoRn či U2.

2008-06-13 14:18 Corey(8)
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According to The Pulse of Radio, SLIPKNOT reveals a few new songtitles in the new issue of Revolver magazine, which focuses on bands appearing on this summer's Rockstar Energy Mayhem tour. Among the tracks tentatively named are "Moth", "Chapter One", "The Eleventh March", "Dirge", "Dead Memories", "Vendetta" and "Psycho Social". Although the title of the album itself is not revealed, all hope is not gone: the band plans to unveil the name of the August 26 release any day now.

One person who might like to know more about the disc is SLIPKNOT percussionist Shawn "Clown" Crahan, who admitted to The Pulse of Radio that he's not up on the latest details. "I have not really spent a moment with this record," he said. "I'm working on myself, and I have been for the last three years, after my father passed and my mom has Alzheimer's, and kids are growing up, and everything's just crazy. So I spent a lot of time on me. So I haven't really even sat down and listened to this whole record to begin with. I don't even know what most of the songs are called."

"Clown" also told The Pulse of Radio that making the new record was both the "worst" and "best" recording experience of his life.

A heavier track from the new SLIPKNOT album will be sent to metal radio shows on June 15, with an official rock radio single coming on June 30.
2008-06-12 14:23 Corey(8)
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A complete list of nine tracks from recent SlipKnoT interview with Revolver magazine:

>> "Chapter One"
>> "The Eleventh March"
>> "Dead Memories"
>> "Dirge"
>> "Gehenna"
>> "Gematria"
>> "Moth"
>> "Psycho Social"
>> "Sulphur"
>> "Vendetta"

And don't forget! "All Hope Is Gone" so get ready for true mayhem! ;)

Update: Check out the scans from last issue of Revolver Magazine here!
2008-06-11 15:06 Corey(8)
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Revolver Magazine conducted an interview with Slipknot. In the August issue we can read about the new album. The cover headline is "Slipknot-Live from Iowa: Exclusive Album Preview."

The band members are holding their "Mardi Gras" styled masks (The big head ones...), but no one has any new mask. We can also read about the possible song names, which are as follow:

"Gematria" - it is said that this 7 minute track may (or may not) open the new Album. Corey: "We're still figuring out the sequencing, but it will probably be the first or second cut". The song begins with a barrage of drums and builds in speed and intensity, as Coreys scorching vocals lead the way. Other possible song titles include "Vendetta", "Sulphur", "Gehenna", "Psycho Social", "Dead Memories", "Dirge and "Moth", and apparently, it gives insight as to the huge masks, not the identities of them, but it said that Clown came up with the idea, they are Mardi Gras heads of their death mask faces in the "Vermilion" video. Joey: "Its just a teaser, but its totally genius"

thx to Opiumofthepeople.net!
2008-06-10 20:04 Corey(8)
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Here is the current onsale info:

Nov 5 Moscow, Russia - Stadium Olimpijski (ONSALE NOW!)
Presale: Click here to buy tickets!

Nov 18 Milan, Italy - Palasharp (ONSALE TUESDAY!)

Nov 20 Amsterdam, Holland - HMH (ONSALE JUNE 14!)

Nov 21 Paris, France - Zenith (ONSALE TUESDAY!)

Dec 14 Antwerp, Belgium - Lotto Arena (ONSALE NOW!)
Presale: Click here to buy tickets!

Dec 15 Luxemburg - Rockhal (ONSALE NOW!)
Presale: Click here to buy tickets!
2008-06-07 10:50 Corey(8)
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Hard rock enigma SlipKnoT has posted the 8th teaser photograph from a recent photo shoot on the splash page of its web site. Check out this teaser picture here:
2008-06-06 21:57 Corey(8)
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SLIPKNOT has issued the following update:

"SLIPKNOT is proud to announce their triumphant return to Europe beginning this November. SLIPKNOT will headline throughout Europe, with MACHINE HEAD and CHILDREN OF BODOM in tow, making for a truly brutal evening of music! This tour also marks the band's first trip to Russia, where they will be headlining Olympic Stadium!"

Commented SLIPKNOT vocalist Corey Taylor: "It's been a long time coming... I know the European fans have been waiting for this for a very long time. We are breathlessly waiting, as well. We cannot wait to throw down with them!"

The tour dates are as follows:

Nov. 05 - Moscow, Russia - Stadium Olimpijski
Nov. 07 - Helsinki, Finland - Old Ice Hall
Nov. 08 - Tampere, Finland - Ice Hall
Nov. 10 - Oslo, Norway - Spektrum
Nov. 12 - Stockholm, Sweden - Hovet
Nov. 13 - Copenhagen, Denmark - KB Hallen
Nov. 15 - Berlin, Germany - Arena Treptow
Nov. 17 - Winterthur, Switzerland - Eishalle Deutweg
Nov. 18 - Milan, Italy - Palasharp
Nov. 20 - Amsterdam, Holland - HMH
Nov. 21 - Paris, France - Zenith
Nov. 22 - Paris, France - Zenith
Dec. 14 - Antwerp, Belgium - Lotto Arena
Dec. 15 - Luxemburg - Rockhal

Additional dates will be announced in the coming weeks.
2008-06-05 23:48 Corey(8)
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SlipKnoT's Joey Jordsion has been named the #5 drummer in the "Metal" category in Modern Drummer magazine's 2008 Readers' Poll. The Readers' Poll results appear in the July 2008 issue of the magazine, available on newsstands now.

2008 Modern Drummer magazine readers' poll results in the "Metal" category:

01. Tomas Haake (MESHUGGAH)
02. Jason Bittner (SHADOWS FALL)
03. Chris Adler (LAMB OF GOD)
04. Derek Roddy (ex-HATE ETERNAL)
05. Joey Jordison (SLIPKNOT)
2008-06-03 23:38 Corey(8)
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Check out these "All Hope is Gone" banners from Roadrunner Records website. Possible name for new SlipKnoT album? I don't know but it sounds killer.. :)

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