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1/5: "Sólo koncerty na podporu mé nové knihy budou zahrnovat předčítání vybraných kapitol, akustickou show a diskuzi s fanoušky."

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--- 3825 fotek
--- 144 textů písní
--- 139 tapet
--- 95 avatarů
--- 81 artworků
--- 65 významů písní
--- 32 audio preview
--- 24 čtenářských recenzí
--- 22 video souborů
--- 14 rozhovorů
--- 7 audio souborů


Nepřehlédněte aktuální zprávy na našem webu!

Nepřehlédněte aktuální zprávy na našem webu!

Nechoď na koncert jako vandrák!
Obrázek týdne

Přijměte pozvání do sekce Videa!

Věděli jste, že:
Slipknot patří na Facebooku mezi 20 nejsledovanějších hudebních kapel vůbec? Až za nimi jsou jména jako KoRn či U2.

2008-07-05 12:34 Corey(8)
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Guys from Opiumofthepeople.net have just revealed highly probable cover of SlipKnoT's new album "All Hope Is Gone". Check it out here:

2008-07-05 12:30 Corey(8)
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A short video from shooting "Psychosocial" video is available here:

2008-07-04 23:28 Corey(8)
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Two new pictures of Joey Jordison and his brand new mask:

A new photo from Paiste.com.

A new picture from his Myspace page.
2008-07-02 23:32 Corey(8)
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>> Alright, maggots, if your brain hasn't already combusted from the plethora of Slipknot happenings this week, prepare yourself for this. Friday July 18th 8:00PM EST, on MTV's F'N MTV program, the exclusive world premiere of the video for "Psychosocial" will take place. Mark your calendars, because you sure as hell don't want to miss this.

>> An astonishing 8 million people logged on to AOL to see the new SLIPKNOT masks Tuesday, July 1. With a press release, and splash pages on all Roadrunner properties, within 24 hours millions logged onto Spinner.com just for the unveiling of SLIPKNOT's new look.
2008-07-02 23:30 Corey(8)
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Check out how the new Slipknot single - "Psychosocial" - looks like:

2008-07-01 23:44 Corey(8)
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Kerrang! magazine joined SLIPKNOT guitarist Jim Root yesterday (June 30) on the set of their video for their single "Psychosocial". Watch the three-and-a-half-minute chat below.

2008-07-01 23:43 Corey(8)
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According to Kerrang! magazine, SLIPKNOT was nearly forced to cancel its video shoot yesterday (June 30) due to DJ Sid Wilson being hospitalized with a head injury.

The band delayed filming of the promo clip for "Psychosocial", the first single from SLIPKNOT's upcoming fourth studio album, "All Hope Is Gone", after Wilson managed to knock himself out BEFORE arriving on set.

Percussionist Shawn "The Clown" Crahan told Kerrang!: "Sid's building himself a studio downtown and got attacked by a door knob. Now he's got five staples in his head."

"Psychosocial" is available for streaming in its entirety on Spinner.com.
2008-07-01 12:30 Corey(8)
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SLIPKNOT has unveiled its new imagery in an exclusive partnership with AOL Music. This highly anticipated debut kick-starts the launch of SLIPKNOT's new album, "All Hope Is Gone". Masks are an integral part of the band's identity and to reflect this point, AOL Music's Spinner.com is currently hosting a retrospective photo gallery of SLIPKNOT masks throughout the band's career, spanning all three previous albums and including the most recent controversial "Purgatory Masks."

Wanna see the new SlipKnoT masks? Check out our M-L Gallery!

New Masks - Sid Wilson and Chris Fehn
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Sekce, novinky, soutěže, foto, multimedia, affiliates: Corey(8)     |     Design, html, css, php & mysql, server, sponzor: Venom
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