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Slipknot patří na Facebooku mezi 20 nejsledovanějších hudebních kapel vůbec? Až za nimi jsou jména jako KoRn či U2.

2008-09-15 16:37 Corey(8)
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Joey Jordison is on the cover of Drum Magazine (October Issue):

2008-09-15 16:35 Corey(8)
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Go to Jonathan's official site - JDSFA.com and download the track "Got Money" with James Root on guitar!

2008-09-11 20:26 Corey(8)
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On newsstands everywhere, Revolver's Rebel Meets Rebel special issue featuring an all-new exclusive cover story in which Slipknot's Corey Taylor interviews two of his longtime idols, the always hilarious Jack Black and Kyle Gass of acoustic-metal powerhouse Tenacious D.
2008-09-11 20:19 Corey(8)
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In tomorrow's Kerrang! magazine, SLIPKNOT drummer Joey Jordison speaks frankly about his long-running, and very private, battle with drug addiction for the first time.

"I realized I had a problem with narcotics when I realized that I wasn't just hurting myself, I was hurting the people around me," Jordison told Kerrang! "I had a real moment of clarity last year. My girlfriend at the time, a girl who I thought I was gonna be with forever, cheated on me and I went on a three-week coke binge. I actually wrote some of the riffs for the new album ['All Hope Is Gone'] around that time, which is the only good thing to come out of it. But I just wasn't having fun anymore and my family knew it.

"My sister, Annie, kept trying to call me but I didn't want to speak to anyone. The phone was off the hook," he continued. "I didn't answer my door, the lights were off, and I was just fucking ragingly pissed off all the time. So she sent me a picture of my nephew. He was trying to play drums and he was wearing one of my old masks. And so I called her and she put him on the phone and he said 'I love you, uncle Joey,' and I was like 'Fuck it, I'm done. This is fucking stupid.' I realized I was basically fucking dying. It took that to make me realize what was really important in my life and that I'd done a lot of mean things to people."

Jordison also told Kerrang! that he's already bought his own grave.

"It's over down on Second Avenue [in SLIPKNOT's home town of Des Moines, Iowa]," he said. "That's what being in SLIPKNOT does to you."

For the full no-holds-barred interview, be sure to pick up a copy of tomorrow's Kerrang! magazine.
2008-09-09 20:17 Corey(8)
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"First off i want to thank all of the Slipknot fans around the world, making "ALL HOPE IS GONE" the 1 record IN THE WORLD!! Thats no bullshit! Words can't describe the feeling that i have over the response of the record. Being off for 4 years, you can start thinking that people have forgotten about you, you Guys and Ladies have definitely showed me thats not the case...AT ALL! Our first video for Psychosocial was done by Paul Brown on a farm in the middle of the night in Iowa. We think he did an amazing job on it and it's our first video thats ever been nominated for an MTV VMA. Thank you to all the fans that came out to the Mayhem Tour!! You all have made it a huge success and there will definitely be another Mayhem Tour in the future. Next week we go to our second video for "DEAD MEMORIES" With Paul Brown once again! So keep an eye out but thats all I'm giving away!!!!! Sid is healing great, he is walking(with canes) But is on his way to a full and complete recovery as well as Joey who has been going through rehabilitation and will be ready for Japan, Australia and Europe. He is actually playing some drums now!! He will be healed by the time we go back out on tour!!!! As far as everything at home that's my personal life but i LOVE my wife more than anything in the world and i've NEVER been HAPPIER in my life, She is my best friend my confidant and The absolute LOVE OF MY LIFE and i couldn't live without her!( I LOVE YOU BABY) I will be more active with my page please be patient I'm really busy so don't get you panties in a wad if i don't get back to you right away, I'm getting to the messages as quick as can. Talk to you guys soon!!
p.s the Reggie and the full effect record i played on is out in stores know if you want to hear what i did on it..!"
2008-09-06 22:25 Corey(8)
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Once again the time has come to proclaim what has rocked your world in the last 12 months... TG's annual Reader Awards! It seems like only a year ago we were asking you the same questions of 2007... oh, wait, it was.

Yes, 2008 was an eventful year in the world of guitar - the year Velvet Revolver nearly split, the year Slipknot brought back the shred and the year a punk band headlined Download. And STILL Axl hasn't released 'Chinese Democracy'...

And as loyal readers of the world's greatest axe bible, it falls upon YOU to unleash your mighty judgment on what rocked, what sucked, and what downright made your 2008.

So who has shredded, strummed or sweeped their way to the top in your book? What's the one album that has induced minor incontinence it was so good? Which band should be forever consigned to a bargain bin in Keane's basement?

Total Guitar Magazine Readers Awards 2008
2008-09-06 22:23 Corey(8)
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Ovation and Ultimate Guitar have teamed up to give everyone the chance to win an Ovation MT37 Mick's signature acoustic model. Head over to the contest page to enter.
2008-09-06 22:21 Corey(8)
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According to Billboard magazine, SLIPKNOT has scored an instant No. 1 on European Top 100 Albums chart with its latest album, "All Hope Is Gone" (Roadrunner). SLIPKNOT's chart-topping European debut follows consecutive No. 2 entries on the aggregate chart for its last two albums, 2004's "Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses)" and "Iowa" in 2001. The new set arrives at No. 1 in Finland and Switzerland, and enjoys three further No. 2 debuts, in Germany, Austria and the United Kingdom, the latter on sales of 49,000. It's in at No. 3 in France, Ireland and Norway, No. 4 in Denmark, No. 7 in Portugal and No. 9 in Spain.
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