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Slipknot patří na Facebooku mezi 20 nejsledovanějších hudebních kapel vůbec? Až za nimi jsou jména jako KoRn či U2.

2007-08-06 22:42 Corey(8)
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The Pulse of Radio (formerly Launch Radio Networks) reports: KORN is just a couple of weeks into the 2007 Family Values tour and singer Jonathan Davis cannot say enough good things about the band's newest additions, touring guitarist Clint Lowery from DARK NEW DAY and drummer Joey Jordison from SLIPKNOT. Both have been on the road with the group since earlier this summer and Davis is pleased with their work.

"Clint's an amazing guitar player," he said. "I always enjoyed his guitar work in SEVENDUST and I love his other band, DARK NEW DAY, and he's doing a great job for us. And then playing with Joey has just been awesome. He brings something completely different to the band, he's an amazing drummer and it's been fun playing with him. We're gonna really hate it when he has to split and go do SLIPKNOT (laughs). But we're having fun with him right now."

Jordison is scheduled to reconvene with SLIPKNOT later this year, while Lowery and DARK NEW DAY will begin recording their second album in September.
Sekce, novinky, soutěže, foto, multimedia, affiliates: Corey(8)     |     Design, html, css, php & mysql, server, sponzor: Venom
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