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Slipknot patří na Facebooku mezi 20 nejsledovanějších hudebních kapel vůbec? Až za nimi jsou jména jako KoRn či U2.

2009-11-07 19:29 Corey(8)
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Blabbermouth.net: SLIPKNOT/STONE SOUR frontman Corey Taylor was the guest co-host on this week's "Taco Tuesday", ShockHound's weekly record review show. Watch the program below.

On the topic of SLAYER's new album, "World Painted Blood", Taylor said, "I was pulled aside on the [Rockstar Energy Drink] Mayhem [Festival] tour by a certain gentleman named Kerry King, who proceeded to sit me down and played it track for track — even the bonus stuff. And, dude, I was blown away. I love this album, and I love it for three reasons: It's got the ferocity of the older stuff, it's got the growth of the newer stuff, and it's razor-sharp; the production on it is really good, the performances are smokin', it's probably some of Tom's [Araya] best lyrics yet, and... I just couldn't stop listening to it, and it was fantastic top to bottom; I was really stoked. When you grow up a SLAYER fan, you expect certain things from a SLAYER album and this album had it all and I was really stoked about it. . . [The production's] almost got that old-school feel to it — nothing is wet, like the '80s. Everything is just reefed in the mix and raw. It's a great album. . . It's not just a collection of songs put under the heading of an album. You can listen to the songs and they're good, but then you listen to the album as a whole, and it's amazing. And I think it's just a lost art in this day and age, and this is like a true, true album, and I'm really stoked that it's SLAYER doing it."

Sekce, novinky, soutěže, foto, multimedia, affiliates: Corey(8)     |     Design, html, css, php & mysql, server, sponzor: Venom
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